I'm totally a list person. I have about 6 going at any one time. Mostly because I can't remember anything and then spend way to much time trying to think of things I should have remembered. So, appropriately, I really don't remember what was on my list at the beginning of the year. This should be interesting....
1. New house curtains. Well, this will be on my list all year I think. I added it up and I have 12 windows I'd like to make curtains for. So far, I've done 5. Not bad right?! I did one of these.
And the 4th one of these is in my sewing machine right now and will be finished today (so I'm counting it!). Let me tell you, they got better and less bunched as I went along.
2. Step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I definitely have done this one. I did the Spice up the Kitchen swap and made these.
The Make Mine Modern Swap is still in progress and some of my items are still a secret. But I can show this one again.
And I've joined the 3x6 Bee and Sew Modern Quilt Bee which start tomorrow! Starting April 8th is the Pretty {little} pouch swap. ummm... okay maybe I've gone a little crazy with this goal?
3. Make stuff from the books I have. Well, I've done one thing. I made this shirt from the Little Girl, Big Style book. I can't wait until it's warm enough to put it on the child.
4. String blocks. Still not done. Maybe I'll do this for my Sew Modern Bee?
5. Cathedral Windows. Also not done, i won't subject my bee members to this one, but maybe for a swap? Could I bear to part with them after they were made?
6. A king size quilt for our bed. Check!
7. A full size quilt for my daughters bed. In progress!
8. Come up with my own designs. I did actually do this for the Project Modern Challenge. Very fun!
That was my whole list. Not too bad for 3 months! Thanks for keeping me honest Elizabeth! Check out how everyone else is doing over at Don't Call me Betsy.