That's me with
Angela Walters, Modern Quilter Extraordinaire! And yes, our shirts are matching. Didn't you get the memo that Coral is the new black?? haha!
Philly MQG held a workshop and lecture by Angela. she was a great speaker and I'm thrilled I got to go to both. You all know I'm a huge Tula Pink fan, so of course by extension I'm a huge Angela Walters fan!
Her workshop was great. It was a lot of demonstrations of the different quilt patterns that are her favorites.
She showed us some straight line shapes. I'm slightly obsessed with that bottom yellow square!
Then we moved on to swirls and curves.
This was an example of how different levels of contrast in quilting can create depth and show off or hide elements of your quilt.
And this one she showed us how to create textures by varying the size of your shapes.
Besides being a talented quilter, Angela is funny and a great speaker. One of things she said that totally resonated with me is, "if it takes too long, that's a valid reason not to do it". I totally agree, quilting is supposed to be fun!
The quilting part is usually what I found tedious and skipped over. but seeing just what beautiful effects can be created with the quilting, I'm inspired to do more with mine in the future.
Not that I have any illusions of making masterpieces like this!! But her lecture was all about how she became a quilter and the message I took away is that, "if it can be done, it can be learned".
Thank you Angela for getting my creative juices flowing! And thank you Philly MQG for hosting such a great event!