Finished: Charity quilt. Again, waiting on the sun to take some real photos of this before I send it off. I'll do a full post with all details when I get those photos.
In progress: Made some more center strips for my X Blocks. I'll have to lay this one out soon and see how big it is.
Got a bunch more scrappy hourglasses finished. These have made a good leader and ender project. And I need a bigger container for these! They are only 3.5" finished so I am going to need a LOT of them.
Which reminds me, where do people get those giant zippie bags? Every once in a while I get one in a swap or bee and I always wonder where they come from. I know my grocery store doesn't have anything bigger than gallon size.
I started putting together my dresdens for the Bunny Hill Scrappy Plate Club. Instead of going scrappy, I used this color palate from Design Seeds and pulled a bunch of FQ's. I realized my scraps were basically too small for this.
But because there are so many colors in this one, I think the Dresdens look pretty scrappy anyway! I also wish I had chosen some brighter colors. These are feeling a little dull to me. But, I've cut all the wedges so I'll keep going on this one.
And I finally started cutting my Kitchen Windows quilt. I'm way more excited about these colors! I've been hanging on to that Sanctuary fabric for a long time.
backing for Double wedding ring.
total WIP: 7
Head over to Freshly Pieced to link up your WIP's with me.

For the record, I count zero crappy photos :) I love those X blocks you're working on, they look fantastic, and so do your scrappy dresdens!! The super mondo giant Ziplocs I get come from Wal-Mart, I think, or Home Depot. Hope that helps!
Oh, those Dresdens make my heart happy!! Everything looks great!!
eeek! Loving those dresdens, and the x blocks look awesome!
I love your dresdens! I think the colors you've chosen are gorgeous! Can't wait to see your kitchen windows quilt. I love Sanctuary!
Your Dresdens are beautiful! Not dull at all, very colorful and happy!
I love your dresdens - I've been craving some different color combinations lately, so the dresden colors look fresh to me. Can't wait to see that charity quilt! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
I get my 2 gallon gigantic ziplocks from Walmart, just look for them, they are there! Everything is beautiful Becky! Hope you are feeling well!
LOVE those dresdens. The fabrics look so fun together. I'm excited to see your sanctuary quilt. I love that line (of course). It has my favorite colors.
Wow! You've got some great fabrics there! I would love to make some of those Dresdens :-)
I don't think your dresdans look one bit dull. I think they look RICH! I love them.
you are making great progress! i love the quilt and can't wait to see the full reveal!
Great makes there, but I especially love the Dresdens
I love your dresdens. If you don't like them you can always send them my way. :)
Nice progress for the week! Everything you're working on looks great. Keep it up!
You've made a ton of progress! Can't wait to see more of your gray/yellow quilt!
I'm so partial to Dresden's. The colors in yours are fabulous!
I LOVE your dresdens. I could see where you might think they're dull, but honestly, I think when you get them altogether, especially if you use a light background color, the quilt will be absolutely stunning.
Your kitchen windows quilt will be fabulous. Those colors sing! I think Kelli's right about the dresdens. They will be awesome with the right background. I like them!
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