Friday, January 6, 2012

At least I got a good laugh

Just a quick little post to share my funny screw up. I'm all about doing stuff while I quilt, especially when I have to pin. Love to watch shows on the computer, listen to music, podcasts etc.  But let me say this. If you are  really  into a show, it might not be a good idea to pin while you watch it. Case in point...


Thankfully it was a pretty easy fix and I didn't have to rip the whole row.

The other thing, if you are not watching Revenge on ABC, you should be. That is the reason for this screw up. You can catch it from the beginning online here.


Anonymous said...

That's really gorgeous, regardless of the screw-up :D

Anonymous said...

Oops! =) You're going a great job...glad it was an easy fix. =)

Annaliese said...

been there done that! i made an entire pouch inside out thanks to 'the biggest loser'... glad you fixed it without too much trouble!! ;)

Katie B said...

Ha ha! Seems like something I would do. It must be a good show!

Marci Girl said...

Awesome Becky, it is mommy brain, I swear! LOL Oh and yes Revenge is my favorite new show, I literally look forward to Wednesday night now just because of that show! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous! I love the grey solid with these prints.

Good for you for getting a laugh out of this! I would probably have freaked out. :)

Katy Cameron said...

Lol, oops! Not really something you could turn into a design feature either...

Melissa said...

Looks good to me!

Unknown said...

That's so funny! I have so been there. Regardless, this is going to be gorgeous! (And I was catching up on Revenge last night while I was hand binding in bed.)

Denise in PA said...

LOL! Thankfully it wasn't that bad! I always watch tv while sewing. It's a problem when I'm at my machine and have my eyes glued to the TV - great way to sew your finger!!! That quilt is going to be gorgeous! I haven't gotten on the Revenge bandwagon yet, I'll have it give it a shot!

**nicke... said...

whoops! i love to listen to books/podcasts while i sew, i have to push pause when i am doing certain things or else i will do exactly that! it looks beautiful though!

AnneMarie said...

Ooops! Lucky you didn't have to take out the whole row! That stuff always happens to me when you're just mindlessly sewing...

Jessica Kelly said...

oh no! It's looking stunning Becky! Love the grey with your fabrics. Glad you didnt have to do too much seam ripping!

Anonymous said...

It is going to look fantastic when you're done! And I can definitely see revenge being distracting, especially this weeks episode!

Jacey said...

Oops! Man, your DWR is going to be amazing!

Claire Jain said...

LOL! I do that stuff too. I sewed a whole sashing row on backwards the other night. Luckily the sashing row was pieced, so I got off fairly easy like you did ;-) I love your double wedding ring. The first quilt I made was a queen-sized hand-pieced and hand-quilted behemoth. Alas, I gave it away to a boy I didn't end up marrying. Eighteen year-olds can be wrong like that ;-)


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