Philly MQG brought in Lizzy House this past weekend for a lecture and Meadow Quilt workshop. It was such a wonderful event. I met some new people, and of course was inspired. Her lecture was all about her journey to where she is now. A lot of what she said resonated with me in terms of my daughter and how I'd like to encourage her. It was fascinating to hear what's she done in order to accomplish all she has!
Here's a close up of the Meadow Quilt. Lizzy only teaches this class in person and there's a good reason for that. It's an experience! And the quilt is complicated. It's so much easier to learn the techniques when you see it all in person. And if you have troubles, Lizzy is right there to sit down and sew with you.
She went around and spent one on one time with each person discussing their fabric selections. As you can see, I've gone with a very different color palate than I usually use. Because of that, I was lacking some oomph. With some tips and ideas from Lizzy, I revisited my stash when I got home and expanded my color palate some. My 'centers' will be a dark charcoal which should break this up nicely.
But while we were at the workshop, we did a "test" block to get the techniques down. Here was my test block:
And everyone hung theirs on the design wall. It's neat to see what effect different color combinations have! (sadly I was early taking my picture and a handful of people are not represented on here).
It was a great time. If you can get to one of Lizzy's classes while she's still teaching this quilt, I would highly recommend it! I'll keep posting here (and on Instagram) on the progress of my Meadow.