I was one of the lucky 600(!!) to participate in the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap#2. My package has been received by the new owner (and she loves it!) so I wanted to share it here.
My partner didn't have a very large presence on social media with her likes and dislikes. Thankfully, she provided me with her favorite colors. She likes Cerise (deep pink) and Orange as a color combo. So I ran with it. What I tend to do with these swaps is try and find something that inspires me. If I'm inspired, hopefully others will like what I make!
Lately I've been obsessed with curves. So I was inspired by a posting in the AccuQuilt Block contest called Pretty in Purple. I posted the start of my trial quilt before. Here's the finished version.
I'm glad I did this trial run. What I discovered was that when I was trimming my curves, I was trimming to 1/2 inch and that was leaving gaps, I need to trim to 1/4 inch. And, after I got the binding on, I realized I have some misplaced fabrics in the blue petals!! Once you see it, you can't un-see it!
My quilt for my partner turned out much better! I even like the color scheme better. This was my first time with spiral quilting and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I spiral quilted it with variegated pink thread.
I added my label and some corner pocket holders for hanging to the back.
I had some great fabrics on the back!
And as always with swaps I included some extras. Though I was starting to feel bad about not including enough. Some members were including great homemade pouches, mug rugs and other goodies! I did include a rainbow loom bracelet for her little girl, that my little girl made! And you can see, I stuck to the pink and orange theme!
This was such a great swap. I'm so excited to get my package, I'll be sure to post photos when it arrives. Now what am I going to do with all this found time since I'm not stalking #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap! Better go check my mailbox!