Thursday, July 21, 2011

On a personal note

A few people have asked where I've been and I guess it's time to share.  I've been working on a personal WIP.

I'm pregnant!

For me, this means several weeks of morning sickness (all day sickness). So there's been  a lot of neglect going on, not just the blog. I've done almost zero sewing,  no cooking (raw meat? gag), bare minimum cleaning and I've had a bunch of weight loss.

Funny related story, I asked my 91 year old grandmother if she had morning sickness with my dad and aunt and she says, "oh Becky I wouldn't remember that". Then about 5 mins later she says, "OH wait, I remember my doctor telling me to keep crackers by my bed to eat before waiting up. That was terrible".  I guess you never forget!  And seriously, doctors still give the same advice. I can't believe we haven't advanced much in 90 years. (for what it's worth - I took the nausea meds they give and they worked sometimes)

So at any rate, I'm starting to have some productive non-sick days and hoping to get back to some sewing. I have a couple of finishes to photograph and want to show you those soon. Thanks for hanging in with me!!


Megan said...

Woot woot! :) Congrats Becky!!

Monica said...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Congrats!

Allison @ little lovelies said...

Congratulations! Hope the sickness passes and you feel better in the 2nd trimester! Best wishes :)

Lindsay said...

Yay, congratulations! That is such great news!

Jacey said...

Yippee! I'm very happy for you, friend. I'm glad you're almost done with your morning sickness, especially!

Andrew J said...

Wow! That's fantastic, congratulations! We've got quite a few guild babies on the way, don't we??

Amber said...

Congratulations! When are you due??

Monica_C said...

Awesome news! I'm so happy for you!
My friend had these fancy red lollipops that helped her with the nausea...(?)

Linz said...

Awwww!!! YEA! Congratulations on the BEST WIP ever!!! Sorry about the morning sickness! :( At least we know it's worth it in the end, right? Good luck and congratulations!!

Shannon said...

Congratulations!! What great news!!!

The Feisty Redhead said...

Congratulations! I hope the sickness eases up soon.

Cindy Culp said...

So excited for you!!!! I was wondering what you've been up to:)

mckeearts studio said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! Sorry about the sickness. :(

Marci Girl said...

Congratulations! I know exactly how you feel, all of my pregnancies have been the exact same way, weight loss and all day sickness! Why haven't they discovered a cure in 90 years?

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

So sorry you've been so sick but a big Congratulations to you and your family!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Congratulations! I hope the nausea is over with and you have a wonderful pregnancy. I am so excited for you!

Bree said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that. Good luck & I hope you feel completely better soon!

corina said...

How exciting for you! Congratulations!

Jessica Kelly said...

Congrats Becky!!!

Moneik said...

Congrats! Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy, it goes so quickly!

AnneMarie said...

Yippee! Congratulations!

Katy Cameron said...

Congrats, hope the nausea goes soon!

Jan said...

Congrats! Hope the all day stuff ends, soon.

Anonymous said...


amyao said...


felicity said...

Yahoo! Congratulations! I use a product called Sea Bands for my motion sickness and I recommended them to a friend for morning sickness and she said they helped.

Lee said...

Congratulations!! I'd been meaning to email you for the last several days to make sure you were okay, since you hadn't posted recently. : ) Hope you feel better soon - rest up!

Katie B said...

Great news! Congrats!

SplendidlyImperfect said...

Congratulations!!! I was wondering about this. :)

Anonymous said...

Awe, Congratulations!

Inspiredbyfelix said...

Amazing news! Congrats Becky :) obviously baby quilts/baby change mats/ cute pants/ playmats/ diaper holders etc are now all on the cards, so get sewing (as soon as you feel up to it, of course!)

**nicke... said...

yay! congrats! i am really happy for you!

Patty said...

congratulations! Such wonderful news!

Sarah said...

Thats fab news! The best ever WIP :) congratulations!

(Try ginger in biscuits or tea I don't think I would've made it out of bed on a morning without it!)

Tricia said...

Was wondering where you'd been!! They say things happen in three's right! CONGRATS!

Sorry to hear about the morning (or all day) sickness. It's a pain! Hopefully that'll stop soon and you can enjoy the second trimester!


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