If you spend any time on instagram you know that, a while back Red Pepper Quilts posted a tutorial for the Economy Block. Initially I wasn't sold on the block. It's great for fussy cutting and "I don't really have a lot of novelty fabrics" is what I thought.
Then I was organizing my fabrics I realized that I have a ton of novelty fabrics and they are all one theme. Surprise surprise. Nautical!
So this project became a leader/ender project that I've been working on for many months.
These are fun little blocks, but you do need a LOT of them to wind up with a quilt of any size. I kept thinking I had plenty only to find my quilt was more the size of a doormat.
Ultimately, I think this will make a great I-Spy quilt for a kid. It would also be great for baby tummy time!
I also backed this one in flannel for a little extra warmth and snuggle factor.
Quilt stats:
Size: 40"x50"
Pattern: Economy Block
Fabrics: Mix of scraps and stash
Quilted by: Myself
Finished: 1/20/15