
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another do.Good Stitches quilt

In June, I was leader of our group in do.Good Stitches again. I chose to use this tutorial and asked for green and blue fabrics. It's a great tutorial and I highly recommend it for using those strings you've got! The girls of the Bliss group delivered with some fantastic blocks.

I used Kona charcoal for the sashing to hopefully give it a masculine feel. And some leftover binding I had from my double wedding ring.

I had lots of leftover binding I from my double wedding ring and it matched perfectly with this quilt.

I did straight line quilting across the quilt to keep it simple but hopefully give all those bias edges some strength.

This is a pretty big quilt at 58"x 70". It will be heading to our groups charity Wrap Them in Love which distributes them to needy children.

Quilt stats:
Size: 58"x70"
Pattern: String block
Fabrics: Various from do.Good Stitches Blissgroup
Quilted by: Myself
Finished: 9/21/12


  1. Oh it looks fabulous, love how it's turned out!

  2. so so pretty becky! it is lovely! xo

  3. What a beautiful quilt!! Love the colors!

  4. Love how this turned out, Becky! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Looks great, Becky! Perfect color for the sashing! Commenting from Portland, ME. o:)

  6. Looks great, Becky! Perfect color for the sashing! Commenting from Portland, ME. o:)

  7. Wow! That is beautiful!! Y'all did an amazing job.

  8. This is such a great quilt! I love how the colors give it such a sense of movement. It almost shimmers!


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