
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WIP Wednesday {26}

ah yes, another WIP Wednesday. Here's what's been happening in my sewing room.

 Cute little pleated top for my daughter.
3x6 Bee blocks
Charity Pillowcase for PMQG

I got the final stage of fabric organization done with a little help. I loved Rachel's rainbow scraps in a jar. I went over to Ace's Hardware and picked up my own jars (though I probably should have gone with the biggest size since they are almost full already!). Samantha had so much fun sorting my scraps with me by color.

In process:

I'm currently working on my first stretch knit top. So far it's going well. And it's actually fun working with such a soft fabric. I'm just going very slowly and double checking every step!

I've cut a bunch of the fabrics for my Birdbath blocks. This way when I need a break from another project or have a few minutes I can put one together.

Kona Charm Challenge:
The top is done. I'm working on the back so I can show that.
This is what I've got going. Those are 2" HSTs leftover from my Supernova cutting. I think I may like the back more than the front!

The bathroom:
Stalled. Waiting for hubby to have to time to rip the paper that I can't reach. I've finished spackling and I'm looking for a light fixture to replace this one.
Tell me - is this one of these things that is now considered vintage?? Can I sell it?

Pending attention:
Amy Butler bag

Total WIP's this week 6.

Thank you Lee for hosting another WIP Wednesday. Go check out what everyone is doing.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love that pleated top you made for your daughter, it's so cute! I'm absolutely clueless on the light fixture, good luck with that. I love the photo of your daughter sorting fabric! I should put my son to work doing that, I bet he'd love it! Happy WiP Wednesday! :)

  2. Your daughter looks like she is having a blast helping you sort out your scraps, love it! Adorable pillow cases, I have a bit of a 'thing' for rainbow colours ;-)
    You could try ebay for the light fixture. I'll bet someone will want it.

  3. Cute pillowcase!! I love the jars too! SO cute! Way to go this week! I can't wait to see that knit top!

  4. Your light fixture is definitely vintage - you could definitely sell it. Try a local salvage or antique shop - I'm sure they would want it!
    I sorted my scraps in jars, too - wasn't it fun?!

  5. Everything is adorable; expecially your daughter...good luck with all of your work this week.

  6. I'm impressed that you are tackling the stretch knit top. It makes so much sense, but I'm nervous about working with knit.

  7. Your knit top will be beautiful, I bet, and I love your Kona Charm Challenge quilt so far!

  8. Yes, your light fixture is vintage and I think it is wonderful! I love your daughter helping sort scraps, what a great project for a young one!

  9. Fun pictures! The quilt back is awesome. Can't wait to see the front!

  10. Oooh, I love the back of your charm challenge quilt, too! And it's so fun when you can get a little one to do your fabric scrap sorting. :)

  11. Yeah I think the light fixture is a bit vintage and yeah try and sell it, you never know till you try. Cute photo of your daughter sorting the scraps. She looks like a big helper. Love your HST's.

  12. I love the pillow case! The HST's are great! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Beautiful projects! And I love the little hearts on the pillowcase.

  14. Looks like you've had a good week! Good idea to have everything cut for your birdbaths so you can work on it. Cutting is always my least favorite part, so it would be nice to have that all out of the way. I would probably lose pieces though! :)

  15. I just love that aviary fabric! I think I need to go shopping now...


  16. I am always so afraid to work with stretch knits. Can't wait to see how the top turns out.

  17. Your pillowcase is totally gorgeous, love it! And what a cute pic of your little girl sorting, my 2 love "organising" my pincushions, I think scraps would be safer!

  18. Everything looks great and I'm heading over to check out that jar organizing.

  19. Everything looks just fabulous!! I love how your HSTs are turning out, they look great! Can't wait to see how your knit top turns out, I am afraid of sewing with knits :)

  20. You may have a quilter on yours hands - looks like she loves playing with fabric already!! Cute pillowcase and I'm loving the backing of your challenge quilt too! I don't think I'm going to get mine quilted by the meeting.


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