If you follow me on Instagram (@myfabricobsession) you've seen pictures of this quilt. This is my absolute favorite quilt and now hangs in my office so I can look at it all day!
The pattern is called flowering snowball and I was hooked once I saw this quilt. I still want to do a version like that, but it takes much more thought than this one!

Then Mary at Molly Flanders hosted a quilt along and I had to join in! I wound up not being able to keep up with her schedule due to other commitments. But she had some great information there. She goes over different ways to create this quilt, provides templates and resources for buying templates. And, she shows how different colors can affect the secondary patterns.
I wound up buying templates for my version here at Baycreek Quilting. Mine are the 8" finished block. I'm kind of regretting it now because since then I've acquired a Go! cutter and they have a die for this pattern! Ah, c'est la vie. I will say, the ruler templates were nice to have because the pieces are so small. I could still use my rotary cutter. I would imagine without them you would have to scissor cut.
And the fabrics are all Joel Dewberry Birch Farm. Except for the "background" which is Kona Raffia.
I used one of my favorite prints with hydrangea on the back.
The binding is the same print I used in the center stones of the block. Those center stones are so small, you can't see it much so I thought I'd use it for the binding as well.
Quilt stats:
Size: 39"x39"
Pattern: Flowering Snowball
Fabrics: Joel Dewberry Birch Farm and Kona raffia
Quilted by: Myself
Finished: 4/1/15