In all the holiday busy-ness, I never shared my teacher gifts. I had 16 teachers to make for this year because of my little guy being in a toddler room and my older one in two schools (blasted part time kindergarten!). So for the majority of teachers, they got these little Mini Treat Totes. I've linked to the free pattern for you.
These went together so fast! I did most of them during our Philly MQG retreat in November. And i used a lot of my adorable Kawaii fabric from the Pink Castle Kawaii Fabric club. Here's a close up of one of my favorite pieces.
I got a great groupon for the Body Shop and got body butters to put in these bags for the teachers.
I decided that my daughter's kindergarten teacher needed a bigger gift. She has 25 kids in her class but still really takes the time with each kid. So I made her the Jane Market Tote from the pattern I bought a few years ago.
The pattern doesn't call for it, but I use stabilizer in it so they are a little stiffer and will maintain shape a little better. Helps when you are trying to load it.
I also made some key fobs for the bus drivers, but forgot to take pictures of those. I hope they are happy with them!