
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some boy fabric in my girly house!

I was super lucky last week and won a giveaway by Fabricworm on AnneMarie's blog Gen X Quilters. The ladies at Fabricworm were so fast sending out the bundle I won!
Isn't it a fantastic bundle!? I love the way they put fabrics together. A big thank you to Fabricworm!!

Seeing all these boy friendly fabrics reminded me that I still hadn't made the boy burp cloths that were on my to-do list. The mommas to be are coming for a playdate with their older kids this week so I figured I'd get them done. There are 2 mommies so I made duplicates of everything since they'll be opening them together.
I made these with some of the Fabricworm fabric. How cute are those tractors!?

The rest of these were stash fabrics that I had in mind for this project. Happy to be able to cross another project off my wip list. And excited to have a little something for the expecting moms!


  1. What a fun fabric bundle you got! Love it!! :)

    Your burping cloths are adorable! Love the mix of fabrics!

  2. Wow, these are so cute and you're so lucky!! What a lovely bundle. I have spent a lot of time searching out cute boys fabric in the last 6 months, its hard to come by but I have lots of that whale fabric, I just love it :-)

  3. What a lucky duck! I love winning fabric! o:) The burp cloths are adorable - the mommas will love them I'm sure!

  4. LOVE that bundle! Can't believe you sewed something up with it already...looks great!

  5. Congrats!!!! I saw your name when you won : )!!

  6. Nice bundle! And those burp cloths may make cleaning up baby barf fun. Almost.

  7. Congratulations on your win!

  8. Yea!! Congratulations! I love those burp cloths!!

  9. I <3 robots. Just like all boys do!


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