
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another sewing hiatus?

The verdict is in. I took the machine to the repair place and they've kept it to make adjustments. I'm seriously annoyed. I have a Bernina and it wasn't cheap. Meanwhile I've had it in I think 4 times in the last year and 2 months that I've owned it. That's way too much right?  I'm thinking they shouldn't be charging me for this latest repair. Especially since it was just in for repair in January after having been tuned in November. Am I right or am I just angry?

The other thing I'm aggravated about is the service. They tell me the sewing machine man will be in on Friday. But oh wait, since it's a holiday, he may be in a different day. But - they don't know. And all the rentals are gone, so call to see if they come back and if the repair man has come in.
Really? Do they not know I'm going through withdrawal without my machine? I think my future career should be sewing machine repair. First so I can take care of my junk machine and second because it seems like a pretty flexible job no?


I've let them know I'm not happy with it. I think when I go back I'm going to ask about any buy back or trade in programs they may have. The problem is all they sell is Bernina and Brother and I don't think I want either of those.

At any rate. My type A tendencies are going a little crazy during naptime without a sewing machine. I always have to have a project. I've been cleaning my closet and pulling out my spring and summer clothing. I also did some more fabric organizing.

And I think this project is next on my list. Warning - bad photos ahead!
 This is my main floor powder room, you know, the one guests get to see? It's where country floral went to die. There is not only a border on the top of the room...

There's one on the bottom too! And that pinky red color? That's a striped wallpaper too.

My favorite? The balloon valance and lacey cafe curtain. It's hard to see, but it's fabulous. And really, this is a first floor bathroom - how about some privacy?

Thankfully the previous owners did update the sink and toilet so they are nice. All this really needs is wallpaper stripped and painted and replace the window treatments. I'm nervous about peeling the wallpaper though because the walls are plaster. Hubby has scared me by saying it might not come off smooth and then we'll have to wallpaper over it! Have you removed paper from plaster? Any tips??

Also I haven't decided on what color to paint this room. For reference, the room that leads to this is our laundry room and it's that burgundy/red that was pretty popular a few years ago. And the tile on the floor is kind of a mottled pink. The rest of the downstairs is either white or a neutral peachy/orange. The bathroom is really tiny so I'm afraid to go dark. What do you think? I was kind of thinking light gray since I've been on a gray kick. Have you done a gray that you love? I'd love ideas.


  1. Talk about wallpaper overkill, holy moly!! Looks like you've got your work cut out for you with that bathroom. I would go totally crazy without my machine, too. For whatever it's worth, my first machine I owned for a little less than a year and never had to take it in, and this new machine has been the same way for the last four months that I've owned it. Both of those machines were/are Husqvarnas, so I know nothing about Berninas. I hope your machine is back in working order ASAP!! :)

  2. First off let me say that I HATE wallpaper. That being said, I was in a show house last week that had the best downstairs powder room. It was a light gray and slightly darker gray stripe. I thought it was painted on (very simple since they were thick stripes ). My interior designer mom pointed out it was wallpaper
    (!?). So worse case scenario and you have to re-wallpaper there is hope! Have fun, i can't wait to see it all done!

  3. Ugh, that is so irritating. I would be pissed, too. It sounds like you're not getting very good service. I hope they can fix it, and I do think you have an argument on any cost they may try to expect.

    Yeah, that wallpaper needs to go. I know it will look fantastic when you're done. I think gray would be really nice!

  4. Also living in the Philly Burbs, I suspect you may be dealing with the same Bernina dealer that I do--they always give me grief. If not, what is with all of these Bernina dealers?

    I got my Bernina almost a year ago and I haven't had any trouble with it, but my mom got one in December and routinetly has issues with hers. The dealer has said there is nothing wrong with the machine, but in my opinion, if you spend that much money on a machine there shouldn't be any problems with it for awhile, especially within the first year of owning it.

    I agree that you shouldn't have to pay for this go around of repairs! I have been to Steve's Sew and Vac in King of Prussia and they are lovely in there (I'm really hoping you're not talking about them!). I recommend going there if it isn't too far out of your way. It's a bit farther for me, but it's worth it to get good service. I hope everything works out!

  5. I would be totally annoyed. totally.

    Good luck with the bathroom! Wallpaper can be awful to get off, but there are some tips all over the internet. My hubby got some sort of scoring device and then saturated it with water and it came off pretty smoothly. Good luck!!

  6. You can mix liquid fabric softener with water, and spray it on the wallpaper. Let it soak in for a few minutes, then either peel the wallpaper right off, or use a scraper to scrape off lightly, it will come right off.

  7. Eeek. That is completely horrendous! I don't blame you for wanting to tackle that, but what a job! Yuck!

    You know what I would do - I wouldn't strip it at all, I'd just wallpaper right over it with one of the cool new modern wallpapers. Amy Butler has wallpaper out! Check out Perfect in a small powder room! In fact, I have my eye on a few of these for my own powder room.

  8. That is...quite the ensemble of decorating don'ts. Yikes! I agree with Lee - just paper over it. Wallpaper is (supposedly) back in vogue and there are lots of great options out there.

    I have a Bernina and I think you have every right to be annoyed by the "service" you're receiving from your dealer. You should not have to pay for this service in my opinion.

    I'm seriously considering getting a cheap machine to have as back-up when Bernie (my Bernina) is in for repair.

  9. sorry to hear about your machine!
    You might want to check out this place in Princeton. I traded in my Viking for a Janome there, and i think they gave me a good deal. The store is a dump, but they have a ton of new sewing machines and good service.
    i love my Janome and i beat the hell out of it.

    Thank you for bringing in your quilt tonight- It was so wonderful to see it all finished. I loved the transition of colors on the front!

  10. I'd be PISSED about the machine. You think that if you pay that much for something it would be a little more reliable. Buying a cheap one to use while yours is in the shop isn't a bad idea, but you shouldn't have to. I paid $80 for my Singer at Target ten years ago and it's not given me nearly the problems you've had.

  11. It sounds like you need to find a different repairer...I'd be hunting around for someone else for sure.

  12. I think you may have a "lemon" Bernina. I've never heard of anyone having such problems with a new machine. I think you should let Bernina know directly what the dealer is doing. I don't think Bernina would appreciate a dealer of their machines representing them like that. Also, where I live, they give you a loaner (which may or may not be a Bernina), but at least you can keep on sewing. I currently own a Pfaff (love it) and am saving for a Bernina someday. Thoughts are with you. Hang in there.

  13. Can't wait to see what you do with that!

  14. Can you go to a different Bernina dealer? My sister has a Husqvarna and had problems; they just traded her machine, no questions asked. Perhaps if you went to a shop that was dedicated solely to Bernina you might have better service.

    As far as the wall paper goes, you're going to want to soak it in hot water and then use a putty knife to help scrape it off. If you pit the plaster, can't you fill it with spackle?


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