
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fighting with the curtains

These babies arrived in my mail yesterday. Some small chunks of fabrics that I'm considering for my curtains.
I quickly took them over to the house to hang them and see what they looked like. And I managed to do this to myself.  It doesn't look like much, but it HURTS!  And because it's in the crack there, I keep popping it open just using my hand.

Really, home repair is not my forte. I'm very accident prone and tend to do things in a rush. To give you the short story, the blinds fell off as I was laying the fabric on top of the current curtains (they must have been hung by a thread).  As I was going to snap them back in, they slide off and I wacked the holder directly. Slick, no? To my credit I was able to get the blinds hung anyway despite the bleeding. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love the fabric choices! Bummer about your hand though :)


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