
Monday, November 22, 2010

Back in business

My machine is back! YAY!  I got the call Saturday that it was done. Of course I dropped everything and ran to pick up. I've been sewing like a maniac ever since.  That mess all around it is the proof.

I finished 4 of my pillowcases for charity.  And I've made progress on a couple other projects that aren't interesting enough to photograph yet.
However, you can see some of them here!  I'm currently sewing in the dining room since my sister is with us. This means I've got to get all of this mess out of here on Wednesday. Because guess where we are having Thanksgiving? That's right - on this table. Not sure how much sewing I'll be getting done during the holidays, but you know I'll be trying to squeeze some in every moment I can.

On the personal side of life, we are moving forward with our new home purchase. Our request for repairs after the inspection was done has been submitted. Hopefully the seller will agree to everything without issue. But, I haven't packed a single box yet!  We have however, started to get rid of things that we aren't going to move. I've been busy freecycling (I finally got rid of my box of skinny jeans, sniff sniff) and the trash can always seems to be full. It's amazing how much junk you can collect. And I'm still going to decorate for Christmas. Lots to be done!


  1. Your machine is insane. I have to show you a picture of mine: Awww, yeeeaahhhhh.

  2. Hooray! I love your dining table madness, looks similar to my table!! Those pillow cases are way cute and btw, we're following now too!

  3. yay for getting your machine back!! i'm proud of you for surviving a week without it!


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