I finished my first dress for
Kids Clothing Week Challenge! My model wasn't really happy to comply. Here she is waiting to go back inside. I think her face says it all.
Here's the front detail. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. No, the model isn't examining her manicure. She's upset because her long sleeves are going over on her hands. Models are very fussy you know.
I realized I don't have brown shoes for her. I'd rather not buy any if I can. What do you think? Yea or Nay on the blue shoes with this dress? Normally I will put white tights on her, but since it's going up to 90 today and that's a corduroy dress I didn't want to torture her anymore.
This doesn't count as sewing, but I added some embellishments on some of her clothing with some patches I've had for a while.
I added some cupcakes to these jeans. They have a sparkly shine to them so they were really hard to photograph since they reflect the light.
And of course a sparkly princess shirt.
I'm not sure if I'm going to do any more clothing this week. I have a stretch knit I would like to work with, but I don't have a good pattern for it. I have to search some more. If you have a recommendation, I'd love to hear it.
Also, the quilting keeps calling me back. I have a quilt to finish for a wedding on Saturday which I will photograph as soon as it's done. And this beauty showed up in my mail the other day!
That is a fat quarter stack (27 fabrics!) of Free Spirit by Lila Tueller. The best part about this stack - it was FREE!! I won the give away from Pam at
Del Ray Fabrics! Squeee! She's got some great stuff so if you want to shop, go check her out and if nothing else, sign up for her
newsletter (that's where she does the giveaway).
And last night was my first meeting of the Philly Modern Quilt Guild. So much fun! It was so great to meet so many awesome, creative people. Part of the night was a show and tell and it was wonderful to get to see so many projects first hand.
We also showed off our Project Pure quilts. It was a lot of fun to see what people came up with from the same line of fabrics. If you want to see them, they are
here. Mine is the green one. I'm already looking forward to the next meeting!