
Monday, June 30, 2014

A mini quilt - or 2!

I was one of the lucky 600(!!) to participate in the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap#2. My package has been received by the new owner (and she loves it!) so I wanted to share it here. 

My partner didn't have a very large presence on social media with her likes and dislikes. Thankfully, she provided me with her favorite colors. She likes Cerise (deep pink) and Orange as a color combo. So I ran with it. What I tend to do with these swaps is try and find something that inspires me. If I'm inspired, hopefully others will like what I make!

Lately I've been obsessed with curves. So I was inspired by a posting in the AccuQuilt Block contest called Pretty in Purple. I posted the start of my trial quilt before. Here's the finished version.

I'm glad I did this trial run. What I discovered was that when I was trimming my curves, I was trimming to 1/2 inch and that was leaving gaps, I need to trim to 1/4 inch. And, after I got the binding on, I realized I have some misplaced fabrics in the blue petals!! Once you see it, you can't un-see it!

My quilt for my partner turned out much better! I even like the color scheme better. This was my first time with spiral quilting and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I spiral quilted it with variegated pink thread.

I added my label and some corner pocket holders for hanging to the back.

I had some great fabrics on the back!

And as always with swaps I included some extras. Though I was starting to feel bad about not including enough. Some members were including great homemade pouches, mug rugs and other goodies! I did include a rainbow loom bracelet for her little girl, that my little girl made! And you can see, I stuck to the pink and orange theme!

This was such a great swap. I'm so excited to get my package, I'll be sure to post photos when it arrives. Now what am I going to do with all this found time since I'm not stalking #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap! Better go check my mailbox!


  1. Great quilt! I love it! The green and orange look great with the pink! Super cute!!

  2. This turned out gorgeous! Lovely work!

  3. I love both of them (mixed up fabrics or not!) The spiral quilting just makes the quilts too!

  4. 600?! Holy crap! Yours looks great though, I'm sure it will be appreciated greatly :o)

  5. Looks great Becky. What a lucky recipient! We would never notice the fabric misplacemt if you didn't say.

  6. Love it! The back too. And the quilting. The recipient must have been very happy!


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